Monday, October 5, 2009

Colors Accent Chocolate

Electric "Var är du?" Guitar

First World Performance of Where are you? on electric guitar in the version by YAMADA Gakuen . Tokyo 17 october 2009

Where are you? was Originally Written for Sax and audio video track and premiered in Torino 2008 by Jörgen Pettersson .
The piece is opened to be transcribed (as always I would prefer "translated") on any other instrument or ensemble.
YamadaGaku translated the piece for Electric Guitar, in a great work of analysis and deep comprehension of the music. Since the first sample I had of his work, my agreement was almost full and we started working together on musical things and intentions.

Here a brief presentation of the piece:
Var är du? AudioVideo Tenor Sax and Stroke, or other instrument / ensemble.
Where are you, imagine the same steps and the steps you follow. We play everything, including the following steps and knock on wood heat and the steps still follow the chords, here they are closer, but no, not them. And so we were waiting around, countless other places, and our much is chasing. Loop. Where you are, imagine the steps and the steps we follow them, looking around here, no doubt, but, exactly, where are you? -History of a chase. But since it would be unkind to tell the end, it ends here, referring to listening to good vision and a solution to the little mystery. mp
Where are you, we can imagine the steps and the steps behind you. We play everything, even the steps to stroken That FOLLOWS while wood burns Each string. And the steps, still, are following. Here They Are, no. Not Them, But They write down on the earth, the flows walking, step by step leaving lhis trace and slightly changing. Alighiero Boetti: “to write with the left hand is like drawing”. Here walking is like handwriting. So, we all where awaiting. Infinite steps melting and following. Loop. Where are you, we can imagine steps and the steps behind us. Looking for you here around, undoubtedly, but, to be precise, where? Just the tale of a chase, without telling the tiny mistery of the end, that eachone can invent for himself looking and listening to the piece. mp


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