Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kinitted Papoose Pattern

ABOUT U.S. ... Before

... but could also be titled "dissident voices."

Yes, it's good (and otherwise may not) hear, rather read an unbiased opinion from the pack of our group. An opinion that at least can not be accused of parochialism because from from those used to review "the affairs of others."

thanks friend Pippo native who was able to describe in a few sentences, brief but concise summary of the anthology as much as the nice description of the respective authors.

an incentive to continue on the path ... dark!


PS Oh, I forgot ... This is the link of the review http://www.ondaiblea.it/2010113029027/Recensioni/Libri-Riviste-Web/sulla-via-del-giallo-noir.html

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gun Oil Motivational Poster

yesterday to combat the cold weather coming I have given a glaze color definitely summer, Coromandel, which I found to appreciate much more hands on white sunburnt.
But a dilemma I took this morning as an accessory to a glaze by combining color so special?

search and search and rummage in the drawer of costume jewelry ... did not leave anything, but in the end as you can see below I have found the right solution.

is not a perfect match?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Adult Shoes With Retactable Skates


the face of meteorologist (which was once said of crepe ASTROLOGY ") that budgeted days of the blackbird (No Ale, is spoke of blackbird ... agree, but the family is always flounder is not Monichiana) and hand in the warm Roman sun four real friends they met and embraced. We talked, joked laughed, smile, eat ... what is pure and then. We discussed our hunger for fame "and our" poor but handsome. " We finally said goodbye, I (heart of wheat) with barely repressed a tear, but I confess that the other will be left an indelible memory of a day and not foreseen by the madness of a Sicilian born, two Romans and a field. Italy is made! And so do you, Italy, VERA.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Why Do I Have To Blow My Nose After Eating

Waiting for the perfect combination of snow and dreaming of new recipes and Marrakech

Brr brr my dear readers, I think I have already said that I hate the cold, well I can not stand even the snow! Do not have a heart of stone eh! Also I like the picture-postcard snow scenes, but I appreciate them very postcard I do not like having to walk this blessed snow, and in particular do not like:
1. The fact that in Turin, where he also can not be considered an exceptional event, after a snowfall blocks the whole city,
2. The snow mixed with dirt in the streets who usually hides a nice slab of ice.
3. I bump into the Piedmont doc with dreamy eyes that tell you all of their childhood winters full of snow and say 'eh eh .. this is nothing' when you get there shivering, with cold feet and a runny nose.
Oh well this weekend predicted snow at low altitude and today I have comforted me with a pair of warm socks and colorful and the idea of \u200b\u200ba few days in a place tiepidino and inviting ... dreaming Marrakech.

Shoes Miss L Fire, Firetrap dress, stockings Gallo, Cardigan Benetton

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Milena Velba Blackhawk

the page dedicated to her I present a new recipe by Agnes, who soon will propose a truly original menu from start to finish (for example, I'm already dreaming of the cake parfait .. ..) Meanwhile
propose again the recipe for the Quaker who was lost if the :
One of the most beautiful traditions of my family is that of a birthday cake. The custom is that each of us has one, and this is a constant that can not always be on the table in its own day of celebration.
The recipe that I want to make is exactly one of those that we use strictly on these occasions. In particular is the birthday cake is my son, that's one of my brothers ..
This cake comes in a distant country from Italy, and is in the tradition of our family for many years now: a long long before it became one of our birthday cakes!
I learned my grandmother in Argentina, in 1960, and in turn she taught us.

We never knew the real name of this cake.
For us it is the Quaker brand of one of its ingredients.
It 's a very simple dessert that can remember a slab of chocolate, or the classic chocolate salami. But for us, the Quaker is a Quaker, and no one would confuse him in the family ever!
Torrone (Quaker)

300 g sugar 200 g butter

4 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
3 teacups of Quaker (oatmeal)
unsalted crackers taste
Use a nonstick clock that manages to contain all the ingredients.
begin to melt butter in saucepan, add the sugar first and then the sifted cocoa.
When cocoa is well mixed add one cup at a time of Quaker and milk.
Stir until smooth and creamy.
If the cream is too dry add a little 'milk.
Remove from heat.
On a sheet of baking paper or foil packs of crackers, or paper Easter eggs (if you must), begin to form layers of cream and crackers.
crackers should be completely covered with cream, including the sides.
Packing the tile and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
And of course ...
Happy Birthday!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ps3 Headset Using Ipod Earphone W/mic

World Day of Children's Rights

Abstract: I decided to put a post that hits just the writing but that I consider very important for all humanity, I apologize in advance who is running the blog for the non-relevance of the topic.

Today, November 20 marks the World Day of Children's Rights "to commemorate the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989 and ratified by an Act of May 27, 1991, No 176, deposited at the United Nations on 5 September 1991.

Below I transcribe the first articles of the Convention for those who want to read the whole can go on the UNICEF website at: http: / / www.unicef.it/doc/599/il-testo-della-convenzione-sui-diritti-dellinfanzia.htm

Article 1
the purposes of this Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen unless, attained earlier under the applicable legislation.
Article 2
States Parties undertake to respect the rights set forth in this Convention and to ensure that every child within their jurisdiction, without distinction and regardless of any consideration of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion of the child or his parents or legal representatives of their national, ethnic or social origin, their financial situation, disability, birth or other status.

States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs her parents, legal guardians or family members.

Article 3
In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private assistance social courts, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the interest of the child shall be a primary consideration.
States Parties undertake to ensure the child such protection and care as needed his well-being, considering the rights and duties of parents, guardians or other persons who are his legal responsibility, and to this end, shall take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures.
States Parties shall ensure the functioning of the institutions, services and institutions which have the responsibility to ensure that children and their protection conform to the standards established by competent authorities in particular in the security and health and as regards the number and competence of their staff and the existence of adequate control.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

What To Wear With A Cashmere Sweater

dear reader, a preview of the book's publication
"Life Ranger"
we present the rationale prompted us to write, first of all for our pleasure but also for your delight.
The book will be out in December 2010, ed. lulu.com.

Forewords Preface 1.

Why this book? Because reading and rereading for perhaps the tenth time the stories of Tex Willer and his Pard collected decades of life and again re-proposed in various versions in black and white and color by the creators BONELLI father and son and the various designers, starting with the great Galleppini, I realized that I had now penetrated so as to be of those beloved characters to want to pay them a tribute of gratitude for how I have happily accompanied during my growth, from my youth are now over sixty, I would say almost seventy.
More than I can say THANK YOU. However, I can say that the inner righteousness that pervades and informs the conduct of Tex, Carson, Kit, Tiger and generally positive character of the stories Bonelli, prompted me to seek to be like them on many occasions of life, as opposed to the way of acting of the characters 'bad' that I found sometimes in person at the workplace that I had to attend. Of all the stories of all kinds in which they act my favorite characters, I always appreciated those in which they struggle (and then they win, of course) against the stupidity or malevolence or military or civilian character of politics and lobbyists, but by military as I am, I had to admit to myself that often plays a high-grade or who operates a power believed to be able to afford everything, even above the laws, written rules od'uso. As always happens, unfortunately, by 'Someone' who is deemed entitled to do anything even abusing others. Bah, call ... these considerations, the stories in this book, I said, are a tribute to Them, and TEX company and are written with the pleasure of spending all those other mythical characters pleasant moments, in addition to those that continue Bonelli to give us.
Christmas Figure
Foreword 2.

It started with the old wives' tales, with princes and princesses who were daring to dream. It continued with the merry band Disney, Donald Duck jinx it, his sweet Daisy Duck, Mickey Mouse Detective, the nabob Scrooge with his bazillion.
It grew a bit 'and read Monello and Brave Captain and Miki and Dr. Black Macigno with his bloodletting and finally arriving to the 'University of the comic action: Tex Willer and Kit Carson. Smaller
my cousin's Christmas (Linuccia), I met him after these wonderful characters and it was love at first sight. He writes that Christmas brings good comic, its characters and dialogue in the example of the good life, for example of values \u200b\u200bthat are increasingly losing tone, fading like an old photo. These were the values \u200b\u200bof loyalty, justice, family, life.
It 'rare to see the' zip 'of the projectile and its trajectory, hitting the heart or the head of the corrupt, the most ferocious. They were usually guns that blow up arms or grazed. And never a vulgar, a foul language. It was the glory of this set Bonelli and their disgrace. Born in an Italy grew up in Italy where clean and the dirty word, foul language, swearing, killing the enemy even for trivial reasons, unfortunately, had become the rule.
Comics, beyond pleasure and delight of a compelling story or relaxing, it is right that gives a positive message before us adults, however, so that we can then relay to the young, the adults of tomorrow. It 'also so that you educate a nation: more than polite talk with polished, calm, but his staff in his hand. Not with language talk show where her tits and swearing are the masters and without which they would not popularity.
Maybe I bored people who want to read it myself and Christmas, but these are the messages that transpire between the lines of the stories we present.
Good reading, no worries.
Andrea Salvo Figure

Difference Jr And Intermediate Goal Gloves

"Part Three of a kind" HORROR STORIES

... As they say the hardcore poker players! Stefania Auci "The Phone", Nitto Valeria: "The damn house," Save Figure "Minotauro" that make up the trio for the time being we have in hand the group italianfantastycgroup. We really hope in a poker even though I just learned that will be rooted, our brilliant Sara, discarded in the first round would go. But I know you will not do. NOT can not and must do so. It 's the most talented, the better prepared and can not give in to the jury, so forces will be, we will support them all. Let this beautiful Poker and if he were engaged in the next, I hope, new entry, Patricia Blasi, would Royal Flush.

at the table then!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby Rosy Cheeks Reason Why

Man of the networks

Marciana Marina - Isola d'Elba

Digrams Of Part Of Dental Burs

Portoferraio - Isola d'Elba

Used Vegetable Oil, Dallas

Untitled Untitled Untitled

Marciana Marina - Isola d'Elba

Pokemon Leaf Green On Mac Os X

Marciana Marina - Isola d'Elba

Dark Gray Suit With Pink Shirt

and me .........

Marciana Marina - Isola d'Elba

Mac Service Initialization Failed (0x039e8474)

... The domes of Rome "....

Rome - Villa Borghese

Cut Like Scratches On Skin


IO VALERIA we did it. So now we know even within the WMI. My story, "Minotaur" and Valeria "The damn house" have been accepted and will in the Anthology. We are happy, even for the group and the good cooperation that existed between me and the little cute valeria.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Amazing Initiation Games

Quaker Cum grano salis, or as my mother tells me 'Use your brain'

Never before in recent times by reading fashion magazines and wandering the blogosphere I stumbled upon services and opinions on the latest trends without. So from the bottom of my expertise I would not even say I have mine on what is fashionable, while the register this year is: the camel, the years 40-50, the military style, gypsy style, the knitted sweaters, leggings, lace. So what is not fashionable? Simple: all the clothes to go to the office every day and especially pointed shoes lying in my shoe for years waiting for a recovery (but not defeated, if the shorts are back ...).
A few quick thoughts on fashion A / W 2010-11:
1. The camel is not good at all, the long coats are not good at all. The first factor depends on the complexion I suppose (my example rejects the camel so evident), the second depends on the size and about the only thing to do is climb on his heels.
2. The knitted sweater: if you have broad shoulders, breasts a bit 'rich and arms from the bakery as well thought should be signed the purchase of that chapter that will risk their' campagnola mushroom 'instead of the ultra chic seen on Sienna Miller.
3. A final appeal to fans of leggings (also including yours truly), from what I see around some girls find it difficult to distinguish from a sweater dress and leggings stockings. Not properly balancing these factors is likely a terrible effect 'butt out'.
Finally I leave you with a look of some time ago, before I could get my stockings with squares of last year, before discovering that if they find stockings not only this year ... more lace stockings!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Smelly Urine Dark Yellow


Yes, now even touches me to post the first thing after I Salvo and Lino spurred to do so more than once.

As a first post I decided to put a poem from my, at the time only, book of poetry published by Lulu entitled Confessions of a Cyrano and I dedicate it to all women who will go through these pages.


do not know where, do not know when,
I only know that once we were all 'one.

do not know who I do not know what separated us,
I just know that we found not to be parted again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Microsoft Ultimate Steal Windows 7

CAVARANNI (Cava Grande)

Prologue: Cavaranni, Cava Grande, is a town in Sicily that has become locally famous for a nice little song that sometimes their cousins \u200b\u200band friends singing around a bonfire on the beach.
Those were the days when fraternization between young people bring joy and zest for life.
Cavaranni In this story is an excuse to tell a guy who takes his first steps in a situation that brings confusion and unexpected love in his young life threatening.
careful, though, the story is completely fictional and does not involve people at all the facts or real or personal author or those around him.
Good reading.
"Supra lu milked, a sine Cavaranni,
to Cavaranni,
is' na Casuzze mmienzu virzuri to them,
to virzuri them,
there is' na picciuttedda of vintanni,
ca teni lu segretu dill'ammuri,
trallalleru, shooting took llallà.
This cheerful little tune old and going on in the head as he remembered, from when they wake up and it's happening now three days since, to walk on the evening course, had to cross a new case interesting girl, never seen before. He had initially attracted
waving her skirt over a pair of slender calves and two feet with painted nails bright red, low in black leather sandals. Almost like he was tall, blond and curvy, just as he liked.
Going with the look he had found two blue eyes staring at him, and candid mind, that had resulted in a strong close to the stomach that just did not expect. To him, who was accustomed to being admired by the girls in her school, all the time passing close to them without looking.
If you get your teeth into those geese and whispered among themselves, waiting for a possible greeting, which I took care not to do: it would be too 'compromising'.
And then he thought at all, to all those girls, it was taken from its ordinary activities of a small dealer to happiness pills.
And now, because Luchino, as he insisted on calling his mother despite his six feet tall and his seventy pounds of muscle, had become by now one year, a 'dealer' fixed in the area. The high school was his 'square'.
Everyone knew, even his teacher who had tried several times to dissuade him from that infamous and dangerous street where he had dropped a bit 'to initial inexperience, a little' to boast and a bit silly 'for economic interest.
"Bad, finish," said the teacher's philosophy of the last year of high school, he was repeating.
"You do not realize the damage they cause to your other unfortunate companions," said the Professor of Mathematics.
"How can you be so irresponsible?" The often repeated the Italian teacher.
But no one, however, complained to the Authority, as it should. And he shrugged
was ignoring advice and reproaches, in fact, making more attention to carry out his illegal activities so that the Authority, in fact, could not catch him in the act. After all, he thought he was doing wrong? He gave to those who asked him just what would otherwise have obtained easily by others?
He was not abusing them to the point of being sick: he only gave the right doses.

"E cu lu lu scrusciu carrettieddu,
carrettieddu lu,
them Cianciana lu me cavaddu,
lu me cavaddu,
idda s'arrazza and tamburieddu person,
canzuni lu spassu and dill'ammuri,
trallalleru, shooting took llallà.
The tune continued to revolve in the head and sent him a secret joy and a great desire to live and sing out loud, but all could hear. Maybe tonight would
Maybe he had the courage to approach her and make her understand his great interest in her.
Maybe she would have shown favorable, as he hoped.
Many 'maybe' that tonight they would have an answer.
That night the way the course was not very crowded, for a sudden drop in temperature and had advised many to desert the usual ritual of walking.
Luchino had already made two 'pools' and even the shadow of her, and they were already past nine. He did not know her name or where she lived or how old he was, nor where to study or work. If he had not reviewed, was afraid that the idea was lost forever, and pressed his cuore.Eccola there, finally, with the usual two friends, one on each side, which looked at one another in protect yourself from the bother. The facility instantly. He went
and "Good evening" he said decided to do (while in trembling with emotion); "Buonaseeera" said courteous all three females, while he was only interested in the greeting she had consented to turn half-heartedly.
"I am Luchino Muresan," he added quickly getting lost in those eyes of the sea.
"Hello, I'm Lucy," said one of the two bodyguards, "and I'm Carmela," said another. And it left him indifferent.
But when she said "I'm Lina" with a voice that seemed sweet music, he lit up his face to the point that the other two, understanding, withdrew a step.
chatting like old friends in affectionate whispers, walked alone around the course for five or six times, could not remember more. The friends were missing.
And so it would continue all night, if possible, but at eleven she greeted him holding out a hand as delicate and fresh spring water.
"See you tomorrow night?" He ventured.
"Perhaps," she said back with a smile, quickly disappearing into a side street before Luchino could propose to accompany her home.
He had said 'maybe', thought the young man who wanted to say 'yes', as do all women. It was not like that? And the next night at eight was already on course.
two acquaintances approached him shaking his hand as the defendant meant that 'we need you' and get rid of him now I'd settle them quickly extracting the doses from its wide padded belt-l'indomani referring to the related payment, he looked forward to meeting with real her. Only you.
And here she is, beautiful, proud, with blue eyes that will enchant you.
With two strong young men who grabbed him by the arms. "Carabinieri" said all three showing a photocard. "Let 's see what takes place in the city," she said with a serious frown.

"He campagnola ...
ca nun me rune peaceful,
quantu is a thief,
cridiri is little nun.
Trallalleru, shooting took llallà.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Much Is A Gold Spray Painted Ak 47


Maurizio Pisano
for PACTA in first national
The friend of his wife
of Luigi Pirandello
director Annig Raimondi
Richard Magherini
Raimondi Annig
Maria Eugenia D'Aquino , Todisco Vladimir Great , Carlo Decio
scenes Marco di Paolo costumes Nir Nagziel , lighting design Fulvio Michelazzi
Theatre Oscar , Milan, Via Lattanzio 58
by Friday, November 12, 2010 to Sunday, December 12, 2010 - mart/sab. h21.00 - dom. h17.00

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Untreated Diabetes In Women


Watch Hatcher Vs Genitals

Divine Light

Inflamed Carotid Mouth


Patty Cake In Tight Jeans

delusions of grandeur?