Abstract: I decided to put a post that hits just the writing but that I consider very important for all humanity, I apologize in advance who is running the blog for the non-relevance of the topic.
Today, November 20 marks the World Day of Children's Rights "to commemorate the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989 and ratified by an Act of May 27, 1991, No 176, deposited at the United Nations on 5 September 1991.
Below I transcribe the first articles of the Convention for those who want to read the whole can go on the UNICEF website at: http: / / www.unicef.it/doc/599/il-testo-della-convenzione-sui-diritti-dellinfanzia.htm
Article 1
the purposes of this Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen unless, attained earlier under the applicable legislation.
Article 2
States Parties undertake to respect the rights set forth in this Convention and to ensure that every child within their jurisdiction, without distinction and regardless of any consideration of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion of the child or his parents or legal representatives of their national, ethnic or social origin, their financial situation, disability, birth or other status.
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs her parents, legal guardians or family members.
Article 3
In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private assistance social courts, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the interest of the child shall be a primary consideration.
States Parties undertake to ensure the child such protection and care as needed his well-being, considering the rights and duties of parents, guardians or other persons who are his legal responsibility, and to this end, shall take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures.
States Parties shall ensure the functioning of the institutions, services and institutions which have the responsibility to ensure that children and their protection conform to the standards established by competent authorities in particular in the security and health and as regards the number and competence of their staff and the existence of adequate control.
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